

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Visa4India processes your data to provide you the services for which you are a customer with us. This revolves around the delivery of services and research into how we can improve our service. In addition to your permission, we use the agreement concluded with you or your employer as a basis for processing personal data. We only share this information with others if this is necessary for the implementation of the agreement or if we are legally obliged to do so. 1.Introduction Visa4India processes your personal data carefully, securely, and reliably. We think it is important that you have faith in our organization around all our services and products. That is why we are happy to do everything we can to protect your privacy. The rules on protecting your privacy are laid down in the General Data Protection Regulation, whereby the Dutch Data Protection Authority supervises compliance with the law. Visa4India acts within the framework of the law. 1.1 Structureof Visa4India Privacy Statement the organization is responsible for processing your data. In the sections below we describe which personal data we process, and for which purposes we do this. We also explain for which services we process the data and on what basis we can do this. The sharing of data with other parties is highlighted, as well as the processing of personal data outside the EU. The protection of personal data is discussed together with the handling of the retention periods. Finally, a section has been added about what rights you have as a person and the possibility to file a complaint or to contact Visa4India. 1.2 What is personal data? Personal data is all data that can be traced to a person. Examples of this are your name, address, telephone number and account number. Sometimes we aggregate or anonymize your personal data so that you are no longer traceable as a person. There are also special personal details. These are personal data such as fingerprint, religion or belief, and medical data. It is prohibited by law to process special personal data unless the organization can invoke a specific exception. An example of this is the use of a fingerprint or medical information for applying for a travel document (visa) with the permission or for the performance of an agreement. 1.3 Who is the controller for the processing of personal data? Visa4India is the legal controller for the processing of personal data. 1.4 Who is the data protection officer, privacy officer or contact person for privacy? Visa4India does not employ a data protection officer and is not obliged to do so under the General Data Protection Regulation. Visa4India does employ a contact person for privacy. For questions, please contact the following email address:info@Visa4India.

2. What personal information do we use for our services and products?

We use and process the following personal data to perform our services and products: 2.1 Which data do you provide to us? For the sake of convenience, personal data can be divided into categories. We use the following categories of personal data from you: A. Name and contact details: These are your first and last name, address, city, date of birth, e-mail address and telephone number. B. Payment data: This concerns the account number based on which you have made the payment to Visa4India. C. Civil status and nationality data: This includes data such as passport, nationality, photo, marital status, data about parents, and family data. D. Financial data: This is data with your account number, your salary and bank statements. E. Information about work and education: This is the information about your diplomas. F. Travel history and data: The data about your future trip, destination(s), nature of trip visit, and your travel history. G. Other specific data depending on the country Depending on the country or countries for which we provide our services for travel documents and legalizations to you, more detailed personal data or information will be requested from you. Including: social media, insurance (s), health data and criminal convictions. 2.2 What information do we collect about you? Visa4India does not collect data from third parties. We receive the only data that we process from the people involved.

2. For what purposes do we use your data?

We use the said personal data for various purposes. For convenience, we use (generic) main goals and (more specific) sub goals. Delivery of services 1. Registration in our systems 2. Drawing up the agreement for the provision of services 3. Providing data to embassies or third parties engaged for this purpose for the implementation of services in the field of travel documents and legalizations 4. Customer service 5. Customer authentication 6. Perform transactions and send account statements Research and statistics 1. Tracking the number of new customers 2. Analyzing this data 3. Improving our website Legal disputes 1. Handling files with a legal dispute

4. Based on which principles do we use your data?

Permission Visa4India uses the ‘consent’ basis for sending the newsletter. This permission is requested via the website, where the customer can enter the e-mail address and tick a box. The permission saves Visa4India for registration. Agreement Visa4India uses personal data to execute the service agreement for the purpose of applying for and providing travel documents and legalizations. Before this agreement is concluded, a customer is registered in the system, this is considered as the pre-contractual phase.

5. Existence of automated individual decision – making

Visa4India does not use automated individual decision-making because this is not necessary for our services. This means that Visa4India, for example, does not do profiling.

6. Do we share your data with other parties?

Visa4India shares personal data with organizations involved in the implementation of the service agreement. These are in any case embassies, website administrator and hosting party. They process personal data on behalf of us in order to be able to provide the correct services to you. Furthermore, in connection with the application and provision of travel documents and legalizations , Visa4India provides personal data to embassies of countries or organizations designated by countries. In addition, Visa4India uses a number of suppliers of software programs, for example. The suppliers of these programs have access to the personal data and make backups for us. These suppliers are our processors, and we have entered into a processing agreement to record agreements on, for example, the careful handling of your data. Sometimes Visa4India is obliged to provide personal data to investigative authorities based on legal obligations. We only do this if this legal obligation exists, otherwise not. Visa4India ensures that the data exchange with third parties falls within the legal framework. This means, among other things, that we make agreements with third parties to ensure that they take appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure that customers’ privacy is guaranteed. However, such agreements cannot be made with the countries, embassies and third parties engaged by them for the application and processing of, among other things, the visa application. These countries, embassies and third parties engaged by them determine their own national laws and regulations and the entry and visa conditions to be set by these countries based on their own national rules.

7.Is your data being brought outside the EU?

For the delivery of the services that we offer in the field of travel documents and legalizations, it is necessary that we provide your personal data to the country of your travel destination. This means that due to the implementation of the service agreement for the application or provision of travel documents or legalizations it is necessary that we provide data to these countries. Depending on your travel destination, this can also be a country that is located outside the EU. These countries and authorities are independently competent for this on the basis of their own national laws and regulations. With other parties that process personal data on behalf of Visa4India , we ensure that these organizations within the EU process the personal data.

8. How do we protect your data?

Because the protection of personal data is very important, Visa4India therefore has a strict policy. As has been made clear under point 7 of this statement, we must provide personal data to the country of destination, which may also be located outside the EU. The countries, embassies and third parties engaged by them are responsible for securing the personal data they receive. Furthermore, Visa4India only uses parties that process personal data within the EU on our instructions. With those parties, Visa4India ensures that these parties engaged by us process the personal data in accordance with our strict policy. In addition, we use various technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data cannot be misused or otherwise end up in the hands of the wrong person. Examples of these measures are the use of encryption and the training of our employees in the field of privacy. We ensure that if we send your personal data to other organizations such as the processors, these organizations therefore follow the same standards.

9. How long do we keep your data?

Visa4India ensures that your personal data is not stored any longer than necessary unless we are required by law or regulation to retain this personal data for longer. Name and contact details For the service agreement we keep this information for 2 years after termination or delivery of the service agreement. Payment data We save this data for as long as the service agreement is in effect, and for another 7 years thereafter. In the case of a paid service, we also store any data stored for 7 years after the last transaction. That is the legally required retention period. Data relating to the application and provision of travel documents and legalizations The personal data for applications for travel documents and legalizations are kept for three months unless the customer explicitly states that it may be kept longer in connection with recurring services to the customer. This includes the following categories of personal data: – Data on marital status and nationality – Financial data – Data on employment and training – Travel History and data – Other specific information varies by country.

10. What rights do you have based on the processing of personal data?

Visa4India considers it important that the client can properly exercise the rights based on the law. That is why it is very easy to contact us via, among other things, the website: • The right to inspect you have the right to see which personal data we process about you. • The right of correction: if the personal data that we process about you is incorrect, you have the right to have it adjusted. • The right to delete: if we no longer need your personal data for the purpose for which we received it, you have the right to ask us to delete it. There are several exceptions to this, such as our obligation to keep certain data for, among others, the tax authorities. • The right of limitation: during the period that we are busy determining whether your data needs to be corrected, determining the unlawfulness of data processing, determining whether data should be deleted, or you have lodged an objection to the processing, you have it right to request the limitation of processing. • The right to data portability: at your request, we must transfer all personal data that we have from you to you or another organization of your choice. You can only exercise this right if the data is processed on the basis of permission or agreement. • Right of objection: if we process data on the grounds of legitimate interest or general interest, it is possible to object, after which a weighing of interests will follow. In the case of direct marketing, you always have the right to object. If you cannot find a solution or would like additional information about invoking your rights, you can mail to

11. Submitting a complaint to the competent authority: authority personal data

Visa4India considers it important to have satisfied customers. Even though we do everything we can to achieve this, it may happen that you as a customer are not satisfied. It is possible to submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority if it concerns the protection of personal data. This can be done via:

12. How can you contact us?

If you are unable to find a solution or would like additional information about invoking your rights, please send an e-mail to
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